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The Embassy of Belgium in Kyiv is competent for Ukraine.
Who's who at the Embassy
- H.E. Mr. Luc JACOBS, Ambassador (Curriculum vitae (PDF, 109.05 KB))
- Mr. Frederik DEVELTER, Counsellor
- Mr. Hervé KERFF, First Secretary
- Cdt Pol-Henry DASSELEER, Second Secretary
- Mr. Dirk DEPREZ, Country Director Enabel (Belgian Development Agency)
Honorary Consulate in Lviv
Competent for the regions of Lviv, Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil
- Mr. Yaroslav HARTSULA, Honorary Consul
Address: Str. Ivan Franko 14, 79005 Lviv
Tel. +380 32 260 20 69
E-mail: consulbelg@gmail.com
AWEX - Wallonia Export and Foreign Investment Agency
- Ms. Tatiana KOROTICH, Commercial adviser
c/o Embassy of Belgium in Ukraine
Str. Pavla Zahrebelnoho 4B
01042 Kyiv (Ukraine)
Tel.: +380 44 239 18 46
E-mail: kiev@awex-wallonia.com
FIT - Flanders Investment & Trade
- Mr. Kris PUT, Flemish Economic Representative for Ukraine (not-resident)
- Ms. Tatiana KOROTICH, Commercial adviser
Tel.: +32 2 504 88 78
E-mail: info@flanderstrade.be, ukraine@fitagency.com